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Crash à répétitionsCa
19-02-2013, 14h23
Bonjour, m'étant récemment replonger dans les excellents ouvrages de Pierre Carlier et surtout de Pierre Cabanes, l'envie m'est venue rejouer à l'excellent mod qu'est EB..
Je reprends ma campagne avec les Epirotes , ma dernière sauvegarde étant un écran d'engagement de batailles, dès que je le lance, je crash systématiquement. Je me suis dis alors que c'était peut être lié au fait que je n'ai pas activé le script, donc je charge l'autosav d'avant , j'active le script et miracle la résolution automatique de la bataille ne me fait pas planter !!
Je joue un tour supplémentaire, fait de la gestion et boom, au tour suivant lorsque c'est à la faction romaine de jouer le jeux crash.
Je me rappelais que ça me l'avait fait aussi en retour de batailles en temps réel..
Quelqu'un a-t-il une réponse à mon problème ?
(Et j'ai lu qu'il y avait des missions spéciales, est ce qu'il y en a avec l'Epire ?)
Merci beaucoup !!
Tacticien incompris
19-02-2013, 20h18
Si j'ai bien compris la situation, le second crash est intervenu après que tu aie fini ton tour, pendant le tour des factions dirigées par l'IA.
Comme tu dis que cela fait longtemps que tu n'y as pas joué, assure toi que tu as la version 1.2 avec le 1.2 fixes, sinon, je t'invite à les télécharger et les installer.
Si tel est le cas, je te conseille de faire un toggle_fow (dans la console), d'activer le generic_script (appuyer sur la touche F1 de ton clavier, puis appuyer sur le point d'interrogation en haut à droite de la fenêtre qui vient d’apparaître, et appuyer sur la loupe en bas à droite du portrait du conseiller, puis sur le portrait de celui-ci). Maintenant, tu vois tout ce qui se passe dans chaque communauté de la carte. Il te faut vérifier si une communauté est sur le point de se rebeller (voir le petit pictogramme avec la flamme). Commence par regarder celles de la faction romaine, mais si ce n'est pas elle, il te faudra passer toutes les communauté au crible. Pour ma part, j'ai surtout rencontrer ce problème avec les factions romaine et seleucid.
Une fois la communauté fautive repérée, voici quelques petits trucs pour rétablir l'ordre publique (je prends pour exemple la communauté de Bononia, si il y a un espace dans le nom il me semble qu'il faut le remplacer par "_" et si il y a un "a" bizarre comme tu en trouves chez le Sweboz, tu le remplaces par un "a" sans accent) :
1) create_unit Bononia "greek skirmisher akontistai" : cela va te faire apparaître comme par miracle des tirailleurs grecs dans la communauté en question ce qui va augmenter la garnison et par la même occasion l'ordre publique. De plus, il s'agit d'unité peu à faible frais d'entretien et militairement faibles. Donc il n'y aura pas trop d'incidence sur le court du jeu. Répète l'opération autant de fois que nécessaire en jetant un coup d'oeil sur le niveau d'ordre publique (quand tu arrives à 80% c'est bon).
2) add_population Bononia -1000 : Cela va faire diminuer la population au sein de la communauté (limite minimale 400). Répète l'opération autant de fois que nécessaire en jetant un coup d'oeil sur le niveau d'ordre publique (quand tu arrives à 80% c'est bon).
Avec ça tu as de bonnes chances de résoudre ton problème. Par contre, il peut arriver que plusieurs communautés soient concernées. Donc si le problème persiste, il te faut continuer ta quête de la communauté fautive.
Pour les missions spéciales (je suppose que tu parles des réformes), l'Epire n'en a pas (mis à part peut être celle du march of time, présente dans vanilla, qui arrive toute seule).
J'espère que cela pourra t'aider. Je sais à quel point c'est rageant d'avoir un campagne qui démarre très bien et tout à coup ça plante.
Dernière modification par
19-02-2013, 20h25
Héraut des poils
Tacticien de bibliothèque
20-02-2013, 12h58
Alors après des vérifications , j'ai vu que j'étais en 1.2 , cependant je ne sais comment on vérifie les fixs.
Je vais essayer ta méthode ce soir et je te dirais si ça fonctionne. Mais ce qui m'avait le plus interloqué c'était le crash en retour de bataille temps réel !
Dans tous les cas merci beaucoup de ta réponse !!!!
Tacticien incompris
20-02-2013, 19h58
Il n'y a pas de moyen de le voir, à part qu'il corrige certains bugs. Mais ce n'est pas un exécutable, c'est des fichiers à copier et coller.
En ce qui concerne les crashs pour les batailles en temps réel, ça m'est aussi arrivé (mais rarement), soit le problème venait de la sauvegarde, soit de la communauté en question. J'ai déjà eu le souci quand j'ai voulu prendre d'assaut Augila et Segestica. Ça ne plantait que pour ces communautés. Au même tour, j'ai attaqué une autre communauté sans crash. Mais au tour suivant le problème avait disparu !!!!!
Princeps Mundi Bellici
Expert Stratège
20-02-2013, 21h02
Si si si l'Epire a un script spécial, l'alliance (spécifique) avec les gaulois avec des pops d'armées et tout et tout. Mais je me souviens plus, du tout, comment faire pour l'activer. Mais je me rappelle l'avoir vu dans l'EBBS script, si vous voulez vraiment que je cherche comment faire, avertissez-moi.
Edit : J'ai bien raison, je vous met ici la liste des réformes + missions spéciale :
;2: Reforms
; 2a: Celtic Reforms
; 2b: Saka Reforms
; 2c: Roman Reforms
; 2d: Seleukid Cataphract Reforms
; 2e: Pan-Caucasus Empire Reform - Hayasdan
; 2f: Persia Reform - Hayasdan
; 2g: Carthage Reform
; 2h: Sweboz Reform
; 7a: Qarthadastim vs. Ptolemaioi (Ammonion)
; 7b: Attacks on Chersonesos (KH)
; 7c: Attacks on Byzantion (Pontos)
; 7d: Halikarnassos (Ptolemaioi)
; 7e: Kallatis (Getai)
; 7f: Qarthadastim vs. Ptolemaioi (Kyrene)
; 7g: Seleukids vs. Ptolemaioi (Kyrene)
; 7h: Nikaia (Pontos)
; 7i: Pantikapaion (KH)
; 7j: KH vs. Pontos (Sinope)
; 7k: Thermon (KH)
; 7l: Trapezous (KH)
; 7m: Qarthadastim vs. Romani (Messana)
;8: Special Events
; 8a: The Chersonesos Event
; 8b: Tomb Of Alexander
; 8c: Baktrian Independence
; 8d: Roman Triumph
; 8e: Seleukid Anabasis
; 8f: Pahlava Shahanshah
; 8g: Sweboz Triumphs
; 8h: Devastation Script
; 8i: Nomad Horse Discount
; 8j: Gauls - Epeiros Alliance
; 8k: Celtiberian Alliance
; 8l: Rhegion (Romani only)
; 8m: Spartan Agoge Messages
; 8n: Xanthippos
; 8o: Yuezhi Invasion
; 8p: Casse Landing
; 8q: Naravas
Dernière modification par
20-02-2013, 21h07
Tacticien incompris
20-02-2013, 21h44
Mais c'est seulement une alliance entre l'Epire et les arvernes.
J'ai rencontré uniquement cette situation du coté des arvernes et à part obtenir une alliance avec l'Epire, il n'y a pas de grand bouleversement du genre nouvelles unités disponibles ou réforme politique.
De plus à chaque fois que cela intervient je ne peux pas envoyer d'armée dans l'immédiat, car j'ai sur le dos les romains, les Sweboz et si ça tourne vraiment au vinaigre, une partie des éduens.
C'est plus un "special event", comme cela est marqué dans ton extrait du script.
De plus si tu te reportes à la partie du script en question, tu verras que cette réforme est divisée en deux sections : AEDUI et ARVERNI.
Point de trace de l'Epire.
;Section 8j: Gauls - Epeiros Alliance
declare_counter Epeirote_Invitation
monitor_event SettlementTurnStart SettlementName Sulek
and SettlementBuildingExists = hinterland_victory
set_counter Epeirote_Invitation 3
monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType gauls
and I_LocalFaction gauls
and I_CompareCounter Epeirote_Invitation != 3
and I_SettlementOwner Vindobona != gauls
and I_SettlementOwner Ak_Ink != gauls
and I_SettlementOwner Vindobona != thrace
and I_SettlementOwner Ak_Ink != thrace
and I_NumberOfSettlements thrace > 0
and not DiplomaticStanceFromFaction thrace < Suspicious ; comment the rest of the conditions out to test the script immediately
and I_TurnNumber > 35
and I_TurnNumber < 210
and RandomPercent < 5
console_command create_building Sulek hinterland_victory
advance_advice_thread Epeirote_Invitation_Thread
select_ui_element advisor_portrait_button
simulate_mouse_click lclick down
simulate_mouse_click lclick up
set_counter Epeirote_Invitation 1
; If player accepts, force the alliance, spawn Skepas and Moses and set counter
monitor_event ButtonPressed ButtonPressed advisor_portrait_button
and I_CompareCounter Epeirote_Invitation = 1
and I_LocalFaction gauls
console_command diplomatic_stance gauls thrace allied
spawn_character slave Moses, diplomat, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 59, , x 57, y 5
faction thrace
character Skepas, named character, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 20, x 57, y 5
unit greek infantry thorakitai, exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit generic siege 30mina, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit illyrian infantry taxeis illyrioi, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit illyrian infantry taxeis illyrioi, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit illyrian infantry taxeis illyrioi, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit hellenistic infantry illyrian thureophoroi, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit greek missile sphendenotai, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit greek missile sphendenotai, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
set_counter Epeirote_Invitation 3
; If player rejects prevent event from recurring
monitor_event ButtonPressed ButtonPressed advisor_dismiss_button
and I_CompareCounter Epeirote_Invitation = 1
and I_LocalFaction gauls
set_counter Epeirote_Invitation 3
; When the player advances towards Danube bring Epeirote troops to area
; and move them to back up sieges
monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType thrace
and I_CharacterTypeNearTile slave diplomat, 1 57,5
and I_FactionNearTile gauls 10 111,154
; and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction gauls = Allied
if not I_SettlementOwner Vindobona = gauls
and not I_SettlementOwner Ak_Ink = gauls
console_command move_character "Skepas" 114,152
if I_FactionNearTile gauls 2 111,161
and I_SettlementOwner Vindobona != gauls
console_command move_character "Skepas" 112,161
if I_SettlementOwner Vindobona = slave
console_command create_unit Vindobona "celtic infantry gaeroas" 1
console_command create_unit Vindobona "hellenistic infantry illyrian thureophoroi" 2
console_command create_unit Vindobona "dacian infantry drapanai" 1
if I_FactionNearTile gauls 3 118,157
and I_SettlementOwner Ak_Ink != gauls
console_command move_character "Skepas" 119,156
if I_SettlementOwner Ak_Ink = slave
console_command create_unit Ak_Ink "celtic infantry gaeroas" 2
console_command create_unit Ak_Ink "hellenistic infantry illyrian thureophoroi" 2
console_command create_unit Ak_Ink "dacian infantry drapanai" 1
if I_SettlementOwner Ak_Ink = gauls
and I_SettlementOwner Vindobona = gauls
monitor_event FactionTurnStart LocalFaction
advance_advice_thread Epeirote_Invitation_End_Gallic_Thread
console_command kill_character "Moses"
while I_CharacterTypeNearTile slave diplomat, 1 57,5
monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scythia
and I_CompareCounter Epeirote_Invitation != 3
and I_SettlementOwner Vindobona != scythia
and I_SettlementOwner Ak_Ink != scythia
and I_SettlementOwner Vindobona != thrace
and I_SettlementOwner Ak_Ink != thrace
and I_NumberOfSettlements thrace > 0
and not DiplomaticStanceFromFaction thrace < Suspicious
and I_TurnNumber > 35
and I_TurnNumber < 210
and RandomPercent < 5
and I_LocalFaction scythia
console_command create_building Sulek hinterland_victory
advance_advice_thread Epeirote_Invitation_Thread
select_ui_element advisor_portrait_button
simulate_mouse_click lclick down
simulate_mouse_click lclick up
set_counter Epeirote_Invitation 1
; If player accepts, force the alliance, spawn Skepas and Moses and set counter
monitor_event ButtonPressed ButtonPressed advisor_portrait_button
and I_CompareCounter Epeirote_Invitation = 1
and I_LocalFaction scythia
console_command diplomatic_stance scythia thrace allied
spawn_character slave Moses, diplomat, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 59, , x 57, y 5
faction thrace
character Skepas, named character, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 20, x 57, y 5
unit greek infantry thorakitai, exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit generic siege 30mina, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit illyrian infantry taxeis illyrioi, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit illyrian infantry taxeis illyrioi, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit illyrian infantry taxeis illyrioi, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit hellenistic infantry illyrian thureophoroi, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit greek missile sphendenotai, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
unit greek missile sphendenotai, exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
set_counter Epeirote_Invitation 3
; If player rejects prevent event from recurring
monitor_event ButtonPressed ButtonPressed advisor_dismiss_button
and I_CompareCounter Epeirote_Invitation = 1
and I_LocalFaction scythia
set_counter Epeirote_Invitation 3
; When the player advances towards Danube bring Epeirote troops to area
; and move them to back up sieges
monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType thrace
and I_CharacterTypeNearTile slave diplomat, 1 57,5
and I_FactionNearTile scythia 10 111,154
; and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction scythia = Allied
if not I_SettlementOwner Vindobona = scythia
and not I_SettlementOwner Ak_Ink = scythia
console_command move_character "Skepas" 114,152
if I_FactionNearTile scythia 2 111,161
and I_SettlementOwner Vindobona != scythia
console_command move_character "Skepas" 112,161
if I_SettlementOwner Vindobona = slave
console_command create_unit Vindobona "celtic infantry gaeroas" 1
console_command create_unit Vindobona "hellenistic infantry illyrian thureophoroi" 2
console_command create_unit Vindobona "dacian infantry drapanai" 1
if I_FactionNearTile scythia 3 118,157
and I_SettlementOwner Ak_Ink != scythia
console_command move_character "Skepas" 119,156
if I_SettlementOwner Ak_Ink = slave
console_command create_unit Ak_Ink "celtic infantry gaeroas" 2
console_command create_unit Ak_Ink "hellenistic infantry illyrian thureophoroi" 2
console_command create_unit Ak_Ink "dacian infantry drapanai" 1
if I_SettlementOwner Ak_Ink = scythia
and I_SettlementOwner Vindobona = scythia
monitor_event FactionTurnStart LocalFaction
advance_advice_thread Epeirote_Invitation_End_Gallic_Thread
console_command kill_character "Moses"
while I_CharacterTypeNearTile slave diplomat, 1 57,5
Voici un extrait de l'EXPORT_ADVICE :
{Epeirote_Invitation_Text_01_Title}Vergobret, les Epeirotes nous font part d'une proposition
Un ambassadeur epeirote nous propose un projet de collabortation de la part de leur roi. Ils ont besoin d'un puissant allié pour couvrir leurs arrières des barbares du nord qui traversent le Danube en Illyria, et ils nous proposent d'être cet allié. Nous pouvons ainsi envoyer une armée en Illyria s'emparer de deux cités, Vindobona et Ak-Ink. Le roi epeirote enverra une de ses armées pour nous soutenir. Cliquez sur moi pour accepter la proposition, ou ne cliquez pas pour la rejeter.
{Epeirote_Invitation_End_Gallic_Text_01_Title}Succ ès !
Vous avez réussi à établir une base solide sur le Danube supérieur, et nous avons maintenant un allié de confiance en la personne du roi des Epeirotes. Leur aide sur les champs de batailles a grandement contribué à notre succès. C'est votre clairvoyance et de votre volonté de fortune, même de confiance envers le roi epeirote qui nous a permit de nous étendre plus à l'est. Comme les Volcae ont vécu ici, nous pouvons désormais nous développer dans ces terres que nos cousins éloignés ont déja habitées il y a de cela de nombreuses années.
Manifestement, ce texte n'est prévu que pour s'afficher pour une faction gauloise (éduens ou arvernes).
Dernière modification par
20-02-2013, 21h52
Princeps Mundi Bellici
Expert Stratège
20-02-2013, 22h02
Ah comme quoi ma mémoire peut parfois me jouer des tours... Merci Torf !
Ouais c'est étrange parce que la plupart des factions ont au moins une réforme ou une mission spéciale...voire toutes en fait...sauf les épirotes et les sarmates, non ? ( les Gètes ont via les traits la mission de réunir toutes les tribus thraces)
Tacticien incompris
20-02-2013, 22h19
Une mission aurait pu être ménagée dans le script. Du genre ... conquérir tout le sud de l'Italie, et ainsi recréer la grande Grèce, avec à la clé ... un trait spécial pour le chef de faction, comme cela se fait avec l'Hayasdan.
Ce serait une idée intéressante. Mais je n'ai pas le niveau nécessaire en script pour la réaliser. De plus, je m'arrache les cheveux avec la création de nouveaux généraux alliés. J'arrive à créer un général éthiopien avec pour garde de corps des cavaliers légers éthiopiens eux aussi, pour Meroe et Axum. Mais quand je veux en créer dans la péninsule arabique, en Inde ou en Irlande , le jeu plante au démarrage. Ça serai pourtant sympa un mini mod "pack généraux recrutables". Peut-être y a t'il une limite du nombre de types de généraux (voir même d'unités) ?
Dernière modification par
20-02-2013, 22h20
Princeps Mundi Bellici
Expert Stratège
20-02-2013, 22h29
Ah oui oui, malgré le fait que je suis aussi sujet au plantage général quand je modde sur EB (OUIN), je peux répondre à ta question : oui y'a une limite au nombre d'unité et EB l'a atteinte. Faut donc SOIT passer sur Alex ou la limite est repoussée. SOIT supprimer des unités (les iphraktous mahcin sont anachroniques et font doublons avec les thereophoroi ; vu qu'il y a les mercenaires+ la normale, ca te fait deux place en plus).
Tacticien incompris
20-02-2013, 22h38
Merci pour ton conseil. Je vais passer l'EDU au crible pour shooter les doublons et créer des créneaux. Et qui sait, peut-être pouvoir proposer un mini-mod.
EDIT : A vu de nez, ça fait une trentaine de doublons. Rien qu'en exploitant la moitié de ceux-ci, on a largement de quoi varier l'offre de généraux recrutables.
Dernière modification par
20-02-2013, 23h17
Princeps Mundi Bellici
Expert Stratège
21-02-2013, 11h10
Perso je t'avoue que j'avais dans l'idée de virer ces deux unités pour les remplacer par les Machairophoroi
et les Spathaphoroi
du sous-mod d'EB nouus ordo mundi avec une ref à la clé un peu compliqué. Enfin je comptais le faire bien après mais vu comment je me débrouille comme un pied, je crois que ca se fera jamais...
Dernière modification par
21-02-2013, 11h12
Tacticien incompris
21-02-2013, 18h58
Après décompte j'ai constaté la présence de 29 doublons.
Dans ce cas, je vais commencer par voir pour fusionner ces doublons.
Si ça marche, je ferai un point sur le nombre d'emplacements disponibles.
Ensuite je te propose de axes d'actions :
1) D'ouvrir un sujet pour recueillir les idées de généraux, avoir l'avis de gens plutôt calés en histoire (perso, je n'y connais pas grand chose concernant les civilisations orientales), sur l'opportunité de tel ou tel général, par rapport à tel ou tel autre, avoir des pistes pour la rédactions des descriptions, définir l'unité support et les régions de recrutement. J'ai déjà quelques idées : général arabe, général gaélique, général indien, général ibère, général ligure (unité cavalerie ligure), général belge (unité cavalerie Rême), ...
2) De voir pour ajouter tes deux unités (ou plus). J'espère que tu as les skins et les cartes, parce que je suis nul en graphisme.
Qu'en penses tu ?
Princeps Mundi Bellici
Expert Stratège
21-02-2013, 19h19
Alors d'abord, j'aimerais bien savoir ce que tu considères comme doublons, c'est juste en comptant les variantes des iphraktous machins ou bien c'est en ajoutant d'autres unités ? j'ai peur que tu en supprimes trop ! (tu peux aussi virer les hoplites massaliotes et leur variante mercenaire, ahistorique, j'en ai discuté par Paulus sur ce sujet à propos d'EBII et il a accepté mon point de vue).
Pour le projet, je te propose une chose plus simple, c'est de rejoindre l'équipe de mon projet de sous-mods historiques. Ainsi ce que tu prépares sera intégré dans cet ensemble. Après tu peux ouvrir un topic pour l'aide toussa, comme je l'ai fait (si tu acceptes je demanderais que tu ais les droits sur le sous-fofo pour que tu puisses faire comme cela t'arrange).
Pour les deux unités, elles viennent d'un sous-mod d'EB1 qui existe déja, donc y'a déja description nom, Ui ect... Faudrait juste leur demander la permission.
Tacticien incompris
21-02-2013, 19h42
J'entends par doublons les unités suivantes :
type african infantry maures
dictionary african_infantry_maures ; Maures Infantry
category infantry
class missile
voice_type General_1
soldier african_infantry_maures, 50, 0, 1
mount_effect elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass
formation 1.4, 1.6, 2.8, 3.2, 6, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 4, javelin, 57.8, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr thrown
stat_sec 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 3, 10, 3, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 0
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2
stat_mental 11, impetuous, untrained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1500, 375, 120, 230, 1500
ownership slave, saba, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, carthage, armenia, pontus, romans_scipii, parthia, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, germans, spain, egypt, seleucid
type african infantry maures mercenary
dictionary african_infantry_maures ; Maures Infantry
category infantry
class missile
voice_type General_1
soldier african_infantry_maures, 50, 0, 1
mount_effect elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass, mercenary_unit
formation 1.4, 1.6, 2.8, 3.2, 6, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 4, javelin, 57.8, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr thrown
stat_sec 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 3, 10, 3, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 0
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2
stat_mental 11, impetuous, untrained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1500, 375, 20, 30, 1500
ownership slave, saba, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, carthage, armenia, pontus, romans_scipii, parthia, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, germans, spain, egypt, seleucid
type african missile numidian archers
dictionary african_missile_numidian_archers ; Numidian Archers
category infantry
class missile
voice_type General_1
soldier african_missile_numidian_archers, 40, 0, 0.9
mount_effect horse -2, chariot +4, elephant +1
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass, can_sap
formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 0, arrow, 170, 20, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr no
stat_sec 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.14
stat_sec_attr ap
stat_pri_armour 3, 11, 0, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 0
stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2
stat_mental 10, normal, untrained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1081, 270, 40, 60, 1081
ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, slave, romans_brutii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, germans, spain, parthia, armenia, pontus, seleucid, saba
type african missile numidian archers mercenary
dictionary african_missile_numidian_archers_mercenary ; Mercenary Numidian Archers
category infantry
class missile
voice_type General_1
soldier african_missile_numidian_archers, 40, 0, 0.9
mount_effect horse -2, chariot +4, elephant +1
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit, hide_long_grass, can_sap
formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 0, arrow, 170, 20, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr no
stat_sec 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.14
stat_sec_attr ap
stat_pri_armour 3, 11, 0, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 0
stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2
stat_mental 10, normal, untrained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1081, 270, 40, 60, 1081
ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, slave, romans_brutii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, germans, spain, parthia, armenia, pontus, seleucid, saba
type african infantry nubian spearmen
dictionary african_infantry_nubian_spearmen ; Nubian Spearmen
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type Medium_1
soldier eastern_infantry_indian_nubian_spearmen, 50, 0, 1.05
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy
formation 1.0, 1.2, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_pri_attr light_spear
stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 0, 11, 2, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 0
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2
stat_mental 11, normal, trained
stat_charge_dist 35
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 30, 600
stat_cost 1, 1074, 269, 37, 224, 1074
ownership numidia, egypt, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, spain, saba, dacia, seleucid
type african infantry nubian spearmen rebel
dictionary african_infantry_nubian_spearmen ; Nubian Spearmen
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type Medium_1
soldier eastern_infantry_indian_nubian_spearmen, 50, 0, 1.05
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit
formation 1.0, 1.2, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_pri_attr light_spear
stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 0, 11, 2, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 0
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2
stat_mental 11, normal, trained
stat_charge_dist 35
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 30, 600
stat_cost 1, 1074, 269, 37, 224, 1074
ownership slave
type carthaginian infantry mishteret izrahim feenikim
dictionary carthaginian_infantry_mishteret_izrahim_feenikim ; Misteret Izrahim Tsorim
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type General_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_taxeishoplitai_poenicitizenmi litia, 40, 0, 1.18
mount_effect elephant -1
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest
formation 0.8, 1, 2, 2.6, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_pri_attr light_spear
stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 5, 7, 4, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -2
stat_mental 9, normal, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 809, 202, 30, 40, 809
ownership egypt
type carthaginian infantry mishteret izrahim feenikim rebel
dictionary carthaginian_infantry_mishteret_izrahim_feenikim ; Misteret Izrahim Tsorim
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type General_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_taxeishoplitai_poenicitizenmi litia, 40, 0, 1.18
mount_effect elephant -1
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit
formation 0.8, 1, 2, 2.6, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_pri_attr light_spear
stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 5, 7, 4, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -2
stat_mental 9, normal, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 809, 202, 30, 40, 809
ownership slave
type celtic missile iaosatae
dictionary celtic_missile_iaosatae ; Iaosatae
category infantry
class missile
voice_type General_1
soldier dacian_missile_komatai_sphendonitai_iaosatae, 30, 0, 0.85
mount_effect horse -2, chariot +2, elephant -2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hardy
formation 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 1, 2, stone, 162, 35, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr ap
stat_sec 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 1, 7, 2, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1
stat_mental 8, low, untrained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 551, 138, 40, 60, 551
ownership gauls, scythia, britons
type celtic missile iaosatae regional
dictionary celtic_missile_iaosatae ; Iaosatae
category infantry
class missile
voice_type General_1
soldier dacian_missile_komatai_sphendonitai_iaosatae, 30, 0, 0.85
mount_effect horse -2, chariot +2, elephant -2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hardy, mercenary_unit
formation 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 1, 2, stone, 162, 35, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr ap
stat_sec 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 1, 7, 2, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1
stat_mental 8, low, untrained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 551, 138, 40, 60, 551
ownership slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, spain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, germans, saba
type celtic missile sotaroas
dictionary celtic_missile_sotaroas ; Sotaroas
category infantry
class missile
voice_type General_1
soldier germanic_missile_bugimannoz_sotaroas_toxotai, 30, 0, 0.95
mount_effect chariot +2, horse -2, elephant -2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass
formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 3, 0, arrow, 143, 15, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr no
stat_sec 11, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 2, 7, 0, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1
stat_mental 8, low, untrained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 411, 103, 30, 40, 411
ownership britons, gauls, scythia
type celtic missile sotaroas merc
dictionary celtic_missile_sotaroas ; Sotaroas
category infantry
class missile
voice_type General_1
soldier germanic_missile_bugimannoz_sotaroas_toxotai, 30, 0, 0.95
mount_effect chariot +2, horse -2, elephant -2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass, mercenary_unit
formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 3, 0, arrow, 143, 15, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr no
stat_sec 11, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 1, 7, 0, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1
stat_mental 8, low, untrained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 392, 98, 30, 40, 392
ownership slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, spain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba
type dacian infantry galathraikes
dictionary dacian_infantry_galathraikes ; Galathraikes
category infantry
class light
voice_type General_1
soldier dacian_infantry_galathraikes_ilergeta, 40, 0, 1.1
mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy
formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.2, 3, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 6, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 5, 10, 3, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0
stat_mental 13, impetuous, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1711, 428, 40, 60, 1711
ownership thrace, dacia, macedon, carthage
type dacian infantry galathraikes regional
dictionary dacian_infantry_galathraikes ; Regional Galathraikes
category infantry
class light
voice_type General_1
soldier dacian_infantry_galathraikes_ilergeta, 40, 0, 1.1
mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, mercenary_unit
formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.2, 3, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 6, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 5, 10, 3, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0
stat_mental 13, impetuous, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1711, 428, 40, 60, 1711
ownership greek_cities, romans_julii, numidia, romans_scipii, slave, gauls, scythia
type germanic cavalry ridoharjoz
dictionary germanic_cavalry_ridoharjoz ; Ridanz
category cavalry
class light
voice_type General_1
soldier germanic_cavalry_ridoharjoz_komataihippeis, 25, 0, 1
officer ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer
mount light horse
mount_effect elephant -2, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, cantabrian_circle
formation 1.8, 4, 3, 6, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 8, 27, javelin, 31.5, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr thrown
stat_sec 9, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 4, 12, 3, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 3
stat_ground 0, 0, -2, 0
stat_mental 13, impetuous, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 2745, 686, 60, 80, 2745
ownership germans, slave, romans_julii, saba, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii
type germanic cavalry ridoharjoz mercenary
dictionary germanic_cavalry_ridoharjoz_mercenary ; Ridanz Drugule
category cavalry
class light
voice_type General_1
soldier germanic_cavalry_ridoharjoz_komataihippeis, 25, 0, 1
officer ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer
mount light horse
mount_effect elephant -2, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit, cantabrian_circle
formation 1.8, 4, 3, 6, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 8, 27, javelin, 31.5, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr thrown
stat_sec 9, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 4, 12, 4, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 3
stat_ground 0, 0, -2, 0
stat_mental 13, impetuous, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 2823, 706, 60, 80, 2823
ownership germans, slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, seleucid
type germanic infantry frankamannoz
dictionary germanic_infantry_frankamannoz ; Gaizoz Frije
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type General_1
soldier germanic_infantry_frankamannoz_lugoae, 60, 0, 1.1
mount_effect elephant -3
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy
formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 6, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_pri_attr light_spear
stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 1, 11, 3, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0
stat_mental 10, impetuous, untrained
stat_charge_dist 35
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 30, 600
stat_cost 1, 859, 215, 37, 224, 859
ownership germans
type germanic infantry frankamannoz slave
dictionary germanic_infantry_frankamannoz ; Gaizoz Frije
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type General_1
soldier germanic_infantry_frankamannoz_lugoae, 60, 0, 1.1
mount_effect elephant -3
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, mercenary_unit, hardy
formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 6, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_pri_attr light_spear
stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 1, 11, 3, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0
stat_mental 10, impetuous, untrained
stat_charge_dist 35
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 30, 600
stat_cost 1, 859, 215, 37, 224, 859
ownership gauls, scythia, britons, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, spain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba, slave
type greek skirmisher peltastai
dictionary greek_skirmisher_peltastai ; Peltastai
category infantry
class missile
voice_type General_1
soldier hellenistic_missile_peltastai, 40, 0, 1.05
mount_effect elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -1
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, very_hardy
formation 1.4, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 4, 4, javelin, 55, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr thrown
stat_sec 10, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 8, 8, 2, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -2
stat_mental 11, normal, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1218, 305, 85, 386, 1218
ownership greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, slave, numidia, thrace, carthage, romans_brutii, parthia, seleucid, romans_scipii
type greek skirmisher peltastai mercenary
dictionary greek_skirmisher_peltastai_mercenary ; Misthophoroi Peltastai
category infantry
class missile
voice_type General_1
soldier hellenistic_missile_peltastai, 40, 0, 1.05
mount_effect elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -1
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, very_hardy, mercenary_unit
formation 1.4, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 4, 4, javelin, 55, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr thrown
stat_sec 10, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 8, 8, 2, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -2
stat_mental 11, normal, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1218, 305, 85, 386, 1218
ownership greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, slave, numidia, thrace, carthage, romans_brutii, parthia, seleucid, romans_scipii
type greek infantry lucanian spearmen
dictionary greek_infantry_lucanian_spearmen ; Aichmetai Leukanoi (Lucanian Light Infantry)
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type Heavy_1
soldier greek_infantry_lucanian_spearmen, 40, 0, 1
mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, hardy
formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 4, 4, javelin, 55, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 6, 10, 2, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2
stat_mental 11, normal, trained
stat_charge_dist 25
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1066, 267, 50, 70, 1066
ownership greek_cities, thrace, egypt
type greek infantry lucanian spearmen merc
dictionary greek_infantry_lucanian_spearmen_merc ; Aichmetai Leukanoi (Lucanian Light Infantry)
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type Heavy_1
soldier greek_infantry_lucanian_spearmen, 40, 0, 1
mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, hardy, mercenary_unit
formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 4, 4, javelin, 55, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 6, 10, 2, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2
stat_mental 11, normal, trained
stat_charge_dist 25
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1066, 267, 50, 70, 1066
ownership greek_cities, thrace, egypt, slave
type hellenistic infantry iudaioi taxeis
dictionary hellenistic_infantry_iudaioi_taxeis ; Iudaioi Taxeis
category infantry
class light
voice_type Female_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_indogreek_iudaioitaxeis, 50, 0, 1.05
mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy
formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 0, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 8, 8, 2, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -2
stat_mental 12, normal, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1503, 378, 30, 40, 1503
ownership romans_julii, numidia, saba, romans_scipii
type hellenistic infantry iudaioi taxeis slave
dictionary hellenistic_infantry_iudaioi_taxeis ; Iudaioi Taxeis
category infantry
class light
voice_type Female_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_indogreek_iudaioitaxeis, 50, 0, 1.05
mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit
formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 0, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 8, 8, 2, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -2
stat_mental 12, normal, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1503, 378, 30, 40, 1503
ownership slave
type hellenistic infantry pantodapoi phalangitai
dictionary hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_phalangitai ; Pantodapoi Phalangitai
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type Female_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_machimoi_taxeispha langitai, 60, 0, 1.35
officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer
officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer
mount_effect elephant -1
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy
formation 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 16, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17
stat_pri_attr long_pike, light_spear
stat_sec 5, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165
stat_sec_attr ap
stat_pri_armour 8, 4, 5, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, -5, -2
stat_mental 8, normal, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1324, 331, 40, 60, 1324
ownership romans_julii, romans_brutii, carthage, parthia, romans_scipii, saba
type hellenistic infantry pantodapoi phalangitai slave
dictionary hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_phalangitai ; Pantodapoi Phalangitai
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type Female_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_machimoi_taxeispha langitai, 60, 0, 1.35
officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer
officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer
mount_effect elephant -1
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit, hardy
formation 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 16, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17
stat_pri_attr long_pike, light_spear
stat_sec 7, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 8, 4, 5, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, -4, -2
stat_mental 8, normal, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1479, 370, 40, 60, 1479
ownership slave
type hellenistic infantry thureophoroi
dictionary hellenistic_infantry_thureophoroi ; Thureophoroi
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type General_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_thureophoroi_aanatimleebim, 40, 0, 1.15
officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer
officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy
formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 6, 4, javelin, 35, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 10, 8, 3, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2
stat_mental 11, normal, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1337, 334, 70, 498, 1337
ownership romans_julii, greek_cities, macedon, carthage, numidia, romans_brutii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, spain, parthia, thrace, romans_scipii
type hellenistic infantry thureophoroi mercenary
dictionary hellenistic_infantry_thureophoroi_mercenary ; Misthophoroi Thureophoroi
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type General_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_thureophoroi_aanatimleebim, 40, 0, 1.15
officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer
officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, mercenary_unit, hardy
formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 6, 4, javelin, 35, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 10, 8, 3, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2
stat_mental 11, normal, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1337, 334, 70, 498, 1337
ownership slave, thrace, romans_julii, greek_cities, macedon, carthage, numidia, romans_brutii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, spain, parthia, romans_scipii
type hellenistic skirmisher cavalry hippakontistai
dictionary hellenistic_skirmisher_cavalry_hippakontistai ; Hippakontistai
category cavalry
class missile
voice_type Heavy_1
soldier iberian_cavalry_equitescaetratii_hippakontistai, 25, 0, 1
mount light horse
mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, cantabrian_circle, very_hardy
formation 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square
stat_health 1, 2
stat_pri 4, 12, javelin, 55, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr thrown
stat_sec 6, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11
stat_sec_attr ap
stat_pri_armour 3, 8, 2, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -1
stat_mental 9, normal, untrained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1435, 359, 34, 180, 1435
ownership numidia, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, carthage, romans_scipii
type hellenistic skirmisher cavalry hippakontistai slave
dictionary hellenistic_skirmisher_cavalry_hippakontistai ; Hippakontistai
category cavalry
class missile
voice_type Heavy_1
soldier iberian_cavalry_equitescaetratii_hippakontistai, 25, 0, 1
mount light horse
mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, cantabrian_circle, mercenary_unit, very_hardy
formation 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square
stat_health 1, 2
stat_pri 4, 12, javelin, 55, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr thrown
stat_sec 6, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11
stat_sec_attr ap
stat_pri_armour 3, 8, 2, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -1
stat_mental 9, normal, untrained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1435, 359, 34, 180, 1435
ownership slave
type hellenistic cavalry tarentinoi
dictionary hellenistic_cavalry_tarentinoi ; Hippeis Tarantinoi
category cavalry
class light
voice_type Heavy_1
soldier hellenistic_cavalry_tarentinoi, 25, 0, 1
mount medium horse
mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, cantabrian_circle, hardy
formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 15, javelin, 57.8, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr thrown
stat_sec 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11
stat_sec_attr ap
stat_pri_armour 10, 9, 2, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -2
stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 3016, 754, 56, 272, 3016
ownership thrace, greek_cities, slave
type hellenistic cavalry tarentinoi merc
dictionary hellenistic_cavalry_tarentinoi ; Hippeis Tarantinoi Merc
category cavalry
class light
voice_type Heavy_1
soldier hellenistic_cavalry_tarentinoi, 25, 0, 1
mount medium horse
mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, cantabrian_circle, hardy, mercenary_unit
formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 15, javelin, 57.8, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr thrown
stat_sec 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11
stat_sec_attr ap
stat_pri_armour 10, 9, 2, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -2
stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 3016, 754, 56, 272, 3016
ownership thrace, greek_cities, slave
type hellenistic cavalry thrakioi hippeis
dictionary hellenistic_cavalry_thrakioi_hippeis ; Thrakioi Hippeis
category cavalry
class light
voice_type Light_1
soldier hellenistic_cavalry_thrakioi_hippeis, 25, 0, 1
mount medium horse
mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, very_hardy, hide_improved_forest, cantabrian_circle
formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 6, 15, javelin, 47.3, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr thrown
stat_sec 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 6, 10, 3, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -1
stat_mental 11, impetuous, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 2313, 578, 53, 226, 2313
ownership dacia, macedon, greek_cities, numidia, thrace, romans_brutii, romans_julii, romans_scipii, egypt, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, spain, slave, saba
type hellenistic cavalry thrakioi hippeis merc
dictionary hellenistic_cavalry_thrakioi_hippeis_merc ; Thrakioi Hippeis
category cavalry
class light
voice_type Light_1
soldier hellenistic_cavalry_thrakioi_hippeis, 25, 0, 1
mount medium horse
mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, very_hardy, hide_improved_forest, mercenary_unit, cantabrian_circle
formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 6, 15, javelin, 47.3, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr thrown
stat_sec 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 6, 10, 3, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -1
stat_mental 11, impetuous, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 2313, 578, 53, 226, 2313
ownership dacia, macedon, greek_cities, numidia, thrace, romans_brutii, romans_julii, romans_scipii, egypt, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, spain, slave, saba
type hellenistic missile cretan archers
dictionary hellenistic_missile_cretan_archers ; Toxotai Kretikoi
category infantry
class missile
voice_type General_1
soldier hellenistic_missile_cretan_archers, 40, 0, 0.95
mount_effect chariot +4, horse -1, elephant +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, hardy
formation 1.4, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 6, 2, arrow, 201.6, 35, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr no
stat_sec 9, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 6, 10, 1, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2
stat_mental 11, disciplined, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1424, 356, 30, 50, 1424
ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, romans_brutii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, armenia, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, germans, spain, parthia, pontus, seleucid, slave, saba
type hellenistic missile cretan archers merc
dictionary hellenistic_missile_cretan_archers_merc ; Toxotai Kretikoi
category infantry
class missile
voice_type General_1
soldier hellenistic_missile_cretan_archers, 40, 0, 0.95
mount_effect chariot +4, horse -1, elephant +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, mercenary_unit, hardy
formation 1.4, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 6, 2, arrow, 201.6, 35, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr no
stat_sec 9, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 7, 10, 1, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2
stat_mental 11, disciplined, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1511, 378, 30, 50, 1511
ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, romans_brutii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, armenia, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, germans, spain, parthia, pontus, seleucid, slave, saba
type hellenistic cavalry prodromoithrakioi
dictionary hellenistic_cavalry_prodromoithrakioi ; Thraikioi Prodromoi
category cavalry
class heavy
voice_type Light_1
soldier hellenistic_cavalry_prodromoi, 25, 0, 1
mount saddle horse light
mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy
formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 4, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38
stat_pri_attr ap
stat_sec 11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.12
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 12, 9, 0, metal
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 4
stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -1
stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 3013, 753, 109, 290, 3013
ownership dacia
type hellenistic cavalry prodromoithrakioi merc
dictionary hellenistic_cavalry_prodromoithrakioi_merc ; Thraikioi Prodromoi
category cavalry
class heavy
voice_type Light_1
soldier hellenistic_cavalry_prodromoi, 25, 0, 1
mount saddle horse light
mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit
formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 4, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38
stat_pri_attr ap
stat_sec 11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.12
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 12, 9, 0, metal
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 3
stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -1
stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 3013, 753, 109, 290, 3013
ownership macedon, thrace, greek_cities, romans_julii, carthage, numidia, romans_brutii
type hellenistic infantry hoplitai
dictionary hellenistic_infantry_hoplitai ; Hoplitai
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type General_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_hoplitai_hellenikoi, 40, 0, 1.22
officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer
officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer
mount_effect elephant -1
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest
formation 0.7, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_pri_attr light_spear
stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 11, 8, 4, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 3
stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -3
stat_mental 12, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1367, 342, 80, 498, 1367
ownership thrace, greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, carthage, britons, gauls, scythia, germans, egypt, seleucid, parthia, romans_scipii, dacia, armenia, spain, slave, saba
type hellenistic infantry hoplitai merc
dictionary hellenistic_infantry_hoplitai_merc ; Misthophoroi Hoplitai
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type General_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_hoplitai_hellenikoi, 40, 0, 1.22
officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer
officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer
mount_effect elephant -1
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit
formation 0.7, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_pri_attr light_spear
stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 11, 8, 4, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 3
stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -3
stat_mental 12, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1367, 342, 80, 498, 1367
ownership thrace, greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, carthage, britons, gauls, scythia, germans, egypt, seleucid, parthia, romans_scipii, dacia, armenia, spain, slave
type hellenistic infantry massiloi hoplitai
dictionary hellenistic_infantry_massiloi_hoplitai ; Massiliotes Hoplitai (Massilian Medium Hoplites)
category infantry
class heavy
voice_type General_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_hypaspistai_massiloi_hoplitai , 40, 0, 1.2
officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer
officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer
mount_effect elephant -1
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy
formation 0.76, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 9, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225
stat_pri_attr no
stat_sec 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 9, 8, 4, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 3
stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2
stat_mental 11, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1479, 370, 60, 90, 1479
ownership greek_cities, gauls, scythia, slave
type hellenistic infantry massiloi hoplitai merc
dictionary hellenistic_infantry_massiloi_hoplitai_merc ; Massiliotes Hoplitai (Massilian Medium Hoplites)
category infantry
class heavy
voice_type General_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_hypaspistai_massiloi_hoplitai , 40, 0, 1.2
officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer
officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer
mount_effect elephant -1
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit, hardy
formation 0.76, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 9, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225
stat_pri_attr no
stat_sec 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 9, 8, 4, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 3
stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2
stat_mental 11, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1479, 370, 60, 90, 1479
ownership dacia, macedon, greek_cities, numidia, thrace, romans_brutii, romans_julii, romans_scipii, egypt, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, spain, slave, saba
type hellenistic infantry uazali
dictionary hellenistic_infantry_uazali ; Uazali
category infantry
class light
voice_type Female_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_uazali, 50, 0, 1.12
mount_effect chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy
formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 6, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 5, 11, 3, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1
stat_mental 11, normal, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1463, 366, 40, 60, 1463
ownership dacia, macedon, greek_cities, numidia, thrace, romans_brutii, romans_julii, romans_scipii, egypt, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, spain, slave, saba, seleucid
type hellenistic infantry uazali mercenary
dictionary hellenistic_infantry_uazali_merc ; Mercenary Uazali
category infantry
class light
voice_type Female_1
soldier hellenistic_infantry_uazali, 50, 0, 1.12
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, mercenary_unit
formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 6, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 5, 11, 3, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1
stat_mental 11, normal, trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1463, 366, 40, 60, 1463
ownership dacia, macedon, greek_cities, numidia, thrace, romans_brutii, romans_julii, romans_scipii, egypt, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, spain, slave, saba
type iberian cavalry heavy lancearii
dictionary iberian_cavalry_heavy_lancearii ; Iberi Lanceari
category cavalry
class heavy
voice_type Medium_1
soldier iberian_cavalry_lancearii, 25, 0, 1
officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer
mount hellenistic kataphraktoi horse
mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest
formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 4, 43, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33
stat_pri_attr ap
stat_sec 9, 28, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11
stat_sec_attr ap
stat_pri_armour 16, 8, 2, metal
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, metal
stat_heat 4
stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -3
stat_mental 15, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 3815, 954, 60, 100, 3815
ownership spain, egypt
type iberian cavalry heavy lancearii slave
dictionary iberian_cavalry_heavy_lancearii ; Iberi Lanceari
category cavalry
class heavy
voice_type Medium_1
soldier iberian_cavalry_lancearii, 25, 0, 1
officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer
mount hellenistic kataphraktoi horse
mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit
formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 4, 43, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33
stat_pri_attr ap
stat_sec 9, 28, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11
stat_sec_attr ap
stat_pri_armour 16, 8, 2, metal
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, metal
stat_heat 4
stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -3
stat_mental 15, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 3815, 954, 60, 100, 3815
ownership slave
type iberian infantry medium scutarii
dictionary iberian_infantry_medium_scutarii ; Iberi Scutari
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type Medium_1
soldier iberian_infantry_scutarii, 40, 0, 1.1
officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer
mount_effect chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, very_hardy
formation 1, 1.2, 1.8, 3, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 6, 6, solifera, 36.8, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown, ap
stat_sec 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 8, 11, 3, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2
stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1785, 446, 50, 70, 1785
ownership egypt, spain, slave
type iberian infantry scutarii merc
dictionary iberian_infantry_medium_scutarii ; Mercenary Scutari
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type Medium_1
soldier iberian_infantry_scutarii, 40, 0, 1.1
officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer
mount_effect chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, very_hardy, mercenary_unit
formation 1, 1.2, 1.8, 3, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 6, 6, solifera, 36.8, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown, ap
stat_sec 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 8, 11, 3, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2
stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1785, 446, 50, 70, 1785
ownership egypt, spain, slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, carthage, romans_scipii, armenia, gauls, britons, scythia, pontus, parthia, seleucid
type iberian missile balearic slinger
dictionary iberian_missile_balearic_slinger ; Balearic Slinger
category infantry
class missile
voice_type Medium_1
soldier iberian_missile_balearic_slinger, 30, 0, 0.85
mount_effect horse -2, chariot +4, elephant +1
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy
formation 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 3, 2, stone, 175, 20, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr ap
stat_sec 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11
stat_sec_attr ap
stat_pri_armour 1, 9, 1, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2
stat_mental 11, normal, untrained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1118, 280, 63, 47, 1118
ownership spain, egypt, seleucid, slave
type iberian missile balearic slinger mercenary
dictionary iberian_missile_balearic_slinger ; Balearic Slinger
category infantry
class missile
voice_type Medium_1
soldier iberian_missile_balearic_slinger, 30, 0, 0.85
mount_effect horse -2, chariot +4, elephant +1
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, mercenary_unit
formation 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 3, 2, stone, 175, 20, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr ap
stat_sec 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11
stat_sec_attr ap
stat_pri_armour 1, 9, 1, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 1
stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2
stat_mental 11, normal, untrained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1118, 280, 63, 47, 1118
ownership spain, egypt, slave, carthage, seleucid, gauls, scythia, britons, germans, dacia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, romans_julii, romans_scipii, romans_brutii, saba, numidia, pontus, armenia, parthia
type iberian infantry scortamavera
dictionary iberian_infantry_scortamavera ; Scortamareva
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type Medium_1
soldier carthaginian_infantry_lybianspearmen_thorakitai_sc ortamavera, 40, 0, 1.15
officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, hardy
formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 7, 6, javelin, 49.5, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 11, 9, 3, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2
stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1951, 488, 40, 60, 1951
ownership spain, slave
type iberian infantry scortamavera merc
dictionary iberian_infantry_scortamavera ; Mercenary Scortamareva
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type Medium_1
soldier carthaginian_infantry_lybianspearmen_thorakitai_sc ortamavera, 40, 0, 1.15
officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, hardy, mercenary_unit
formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 7, 6, javelin, 49.5, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 11, 9, 3, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2
stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1951, 488, 40, 60, 1951
ownership spain, gauls, scythia, britons, egypt
type iberian infantry dunaminaca
dictionary iberian_infantry_dunaminaca ; Dunaminaca
category infantry
class heavy
voice_type Medium_1
soldier carthaginian_infantry_elite_african_infantry_dunam inaca, 40, 0, 1.18
officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hide_long_grass, very_hardy
formation 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 8, solifera, 35, 3, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown, ap
stat_sec 12, 8 , no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 9, 11, 3, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2
stat_mental 15, impetuous, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1965, 491, 90, 130, 1965
ownership spain, gauls, scythia, slave
type iberian infantry dunaminaca mercenary
dictionary iberian_infantry_dunaminaca ; Mercenary Dunaminaca
category infantry
class heavy
voice_type Medium_1
soldier carthaginian_infantry_elite_african_infantry_dunam inaca, 40, 0, 1.18
officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer
attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, mercenary_unit
formation 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 5, 8, solifera, 35, 3, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown, ap
stat_sec 12, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 9, 11, 3, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2
stat_mental 15, impetuous, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1965, 491, 90, 130, 1965
ownership seleucid, egypt, spain, gauls, scythia, slave
type samnite infantry spearmen
dictionary samnite_infantry_spearmen ; Hastati Samnitici (Allied Samnite Medium Spearmen)
category infantry
class light
voice_type General_1
soldier samnite_infantry_spearmen, 40, 0, 1.15
mount_effect chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy
formation 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 6, 4, javelin, 35, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 9, 9, 3, metal
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 3
stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2
stat_mental 11, normal, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 25
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1262, 316, 50, 70, 1262
ownership seleucid
type samnite infantry spearmen merc
dictionary samnite_infantry_spearmen_merc ; Hastati Samnitici (Samnite Medium Spearmen)
category infantry
class light
voice_type General_1
soldier samnite_infantry_spearmen, 40, 0, 1.15
mount_effect chariot +2
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, mercenary_unit, hardy
formation 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square
stat_health 1, 1
stat_pri 6, 4, javelin, 35, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1
stat_pri_attr prec, thrown
stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13
stat_sec_attr light_spear
stat_pri_armour 9, 9, 3, metal
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 3
stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2
stat_mental 11, normal, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 25
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 1262, 316, 50, 70, 1262
ownership slave, egypt, thrace, romans_julii, macedon, numidia, greek_cities, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, germans, parthia, carthage, pontus, armenia, saba, spain, seleucid
J'espère ne pas être dans l'erreur.
Princeps Mundi Bellici
Expert Stratège
21-02-2013, 19h49
Oh oui tu es dans l'erreur ! là tu supprimes l'unité originale ET l'unité qui sert comme mercenaire ou alors dans une autre faction différente. Par doublon, j'entendais "historiquement" parlant. Les Ihrpaktous machin ont déjà été publiquement désavoué car ils font doublons (+anachronique) AVEC UNE AUTRE unité "différente", les thureophoroi (plus historiques).
Dernière modification par
21-02-2013, 19h53